a, I
or, ore, one, wore, word, whore
words, wordy, ward, war, tar, wars, ware, tare, are
ere, err, era, ore, ode,
of, off, or, our, your,
ire, irk, irks, lire, lyre, fire, lice,
lick, like, life
lock, block, click, clock, slick, stick, stack
for, fore, form, forms, foreword
ow, row, brow, prow, prom, from
war, wan, man, may, mean, many, bean, bear, beer, bee
be, ear, hear,
year, dear, tear, pear, spear, dean, deal, ideal, idea
sean, Sean, sear, bead, lead, leads,
seer, steer, steed, stead
eat, ear, seat, set, wet, we, see, sit, pit,
it, is, in, gin,
seep, step, pet, poet, poem
ion, sir, stir, stair, staid, tee, tea, teat, tear
treat, great
as, an, can, and, ass, pass, piss,
to, do, so, go, no, not, nod
sin, tin, kin, king, win, wins, wine, pine, pin, ping
wee, weeping, weening, weaning, meaning
is, his, this, him, hem, he,
me, the, thy,
why, who, thin, think, thing
wordy ward, a wordy ward, word wars
a war, a kiss, world, world war
of words, a war of words
beware a war of words
pit-man, Sean Pitman
beware a war of words Sean Pitman
you err
I err
ere you err
a war, of words, a war of words
beware a war of words
Sean pitman
beware a war of words Sean pitman
you err
I err
ere you err
* Beware a war of words, Sean Pitman,
* Ere you err.
piss, puss, pus, bus
but, jut, just
O, ow, row, crow, crown, crowd
crew, grew, grow
lo, low, lowe, lower, lowers, slow, log, blog
do, doe, dose, lose, rose
loss, close, chose, choose
not, snot, soot, shoot, hoot
me, some, same, tame, time
sometime, sometimes
do, doe, does, dole, pole, bole, bold, old
cold, could, would
no, now, know, known
err, error
ass, ash, lash, clash
O Sean Pitman,
elk, elm, helm, hell, well, help
elf, self, shelf
at, cat, hat, that, hate, have
ate, rate, crate, create, grate
rat, ray, tray, stray, astray
A man, A man wins, the crown, A man wins the crown
his helm, lowers his helm, but lowers his helm
A kiss, is a kiss, a war, be just, can be just, a war can be just
the crowd, irks the crowd, just irks the crowd
leads you, leads you well, leads you well astray
you know, can lead, a clash, of swords
a clash of swords, to a clash of swords.
* A man wins the crown, but lowers his helm. A kiss
* Is a kiss, and a war can be just, but a war of words
* Just irks the crowd and leads you well astray.
* Words, you know, can lead to a clash of swords.
fa, far, got, fagot, faggot
rag, lag, leg, it, tit, legit, sag, sage,
eve, ever, every, aver, eye, eyes
not, her, nother, another, other, others
me-me, meme, mere
hat, what, whet, whey, why, when
ate, late, hate
one, lone, alone
kin, kiln, kill, till, tall, all, kind, find
sword, sworn, shorn
i, id, lid, did
O Sean Pitman,
you think, do you think, you alone, have it
why do you think, that you alone, have it legit
when others, aver another, aver another idea
* Why do you think that you alone have it
* Legit when others aver another idea?
rat, rot, lot, slot, slut
ink, pink, oink, oink
i, bi, by, got, bigot, bight, sight,
blight, light
big, bit, bite, byte
rig, orig, origin, origin
led, pled, bled, bleed
dim, dimpled, dimple, simple
Could it, could it be, you could, that you could
the light, see the light, that you could see the light
But choose, but choose instead
your eyes, close your eyes, and block
close your eyes, to close your eyes
the sight, block the sight
The origin, of life, we know
The origin of life, The origin of life we know
this poem, like this poem, just like this poem
simple forms, rose from simple forms
in meaning, in kind, and in kind, by step
* Could it be that you could see the light
* But choose instead to close your eyes and block
* The sight? The origin of life we know
* Just like this poem rose from simple forms
* In meaning, and in kind, step-by-step.